Here is our selection of single origin coffees available. We roast all our single origin coffees to a light to medium roast color. We strive to bring out the most exquisite flavors specific to any origin by roasting them for the right amount of time and to the right temperatures.
Sumatra Takengon Mandheling
Grower Jagong Mill owned and operated by Mr. Irham Junus, son Andi and daughter Ina Variety Bourbon, Catimor, and Typica Region Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia Harvest...
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Peru Organic Cafe De Mujer Aproccurma
ORIGIN INFORMATION Grower 124 women members of Asociación de Productores Cafetaleros de la Cuenca del Rio Marañón (APROCCURMA) Variety Bourbon, Catimor, Caturra, Pache and Typica...
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Ethiopia Limu Washed
About this coffee Grower Coffee producers organized around Barkume PLC Altitude 1600 –1850 masl Variety Indigenous heirloom cultivars Soil Vertisol Region Jimma Zone, Oromia Region,...
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